Thursday, February 26, 2009

One week of Dowd

Ok so its been about a week now since Dr., School Board Member, Councilman Patrick Dowd announced his intentions to run for mayor. So how have things been shaping up?

Well Dowd's facebook group seems to be fairing well. But what's this? Its his pledge drive to raise money, but it was promised he would raise $5,000 in 48 hours. So one week later, Pat still only has $31.27. Not off to a good start. I'm a little curious as to what else Dowd is doing to get his campaign going. I mean his website is barely functional and he has a little bit of name recognition with the Facebook crowd, but thats not exactly the demographic that wins you elections in Pittsburgh. At this point, Dowd isn't even just token opposition.

One week after Patrick announced, I'm left with more questions than answers.

  • What are you doing to get your name out there, Patrick?
  • Why did you get in the race too late to file for the Democratic endorsement?
  • What are the issues you are running on? (we know you think these are transformative times, but for what?)
  • Is it too early to start calling Dowd a lazy campaigner?
Is there really any support for Dowd if this is all he can muster up in a week? Maybe transformative times need to visit the Dowd campaign.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First off, nobody promised to raise $5k for dowd within 48 hours. Second thing - this $5k pledge drive was initiative by a couple of us Dowd supporters, the same ones we started his facebook group prior to his decision to run for mayor. There are other official fundraising activities and events in the works. The $5k thing is just something we did through facebook and if you have ever run any political campaigns or events through social media sites like FB you realize it isn't the most reliable way to reach supporters.

  3. Great post? SO Huddler, I guess the facts do not matter to you? This comment here: "Is it too early to start calling Dowd a lazy campaigner?"

    Is just ludicrous. If anything, Dowd is one of the hardest working campaigners we've had here in Pittsburgh at least since I moved here. (mid 90's).

  4. "Why did you get in the race too late to file for the Democratic endorsement?"

    Probably because who the hell would want it.

  5. Or pay $3,500 just for the opportunity to lose the endorsement race.

  6. the endorsement are a big joke. luke go to the ward chairs hands over the money and tells them to give it to the nut balls to vote for him......
